TikTok recently added a new Q&A feature to the app that lets content creators answer questions from users. While the characteristic is already bachelor, there are some requirements that creators will desire to exist enlightened of before attempting to add together the feature to their bio. Every bit of correct now, non everyone is eligible to apply TikTok's new Q&A feature.

TikTok continues to exist a massively pop platform and while its contempo issues in the Usa now look likely to be over, the app has been rolling out a number of updates recently designed to improve the overall user experience for both users and creators. These community changes included a new text-to-speech characteristic, every bit well as the selection to engage with followers through a question and respond format.

I of the benefits of the new Q&A characteristic is that it can exist enabled in the account'southward bio, making it super easy for others to locate and inquire a question. To enable the Q&A feature, the TikTok account holder start needs to tap on the Me button in the app's lesser bar to head to their profile page. From here, it is just a affair of tapping the three-dot menu button, tapping on Creator, and then onQ&A before finally taping on "Turn on Q&A." Equally to exist expected, turning off the Q&A works the aforementioned way, albeit tapping the "Turn off Q&A" button instead.

What To Know Before Enabling Q&A

Although the new feature is a proficient style for content creators to appoint with an audience, and further build on that human relationship, not everyone is automatically entitled to add a Q&A to their account. The biggest effect some users will see is that the feature is currently in a testing phase. Therefore, users will need to have admission to the test to begin with. In addition, accounts are but eligible to add a Q&A to their bio if they already accept more than 10,000 followers. There is also an age restriction in place every bit well. While anyone thirteen years of age or older tin can set upwardly a TikTok account, the Q&A feature is just bachelor to those who are a minimum of 18 years of age. These are non necessarily the only restrictions in place either. For instance, the feature is also only available to those who accept a Creator contour and creators that accept set their accounts to public.

If a TikTok user finds they don't take the option to turn on the Q&A feature in the settings section of the app, then that might be an indication that the account currently doesn't meet the requirements to have office. Although fifty-fifty in these cases, it even so might be worth making sure the most recent version of the TikTok app is installed on the telephone and updating if there's a new version bachelor.

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Source: TikTok

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